phys1521-icon.png Math and Physics for Games


Outcome 0 - Introductory Material

The material in this topic will aid you in completing the Labs for this course. There are no evaluations for this outcome. Topics here include:

  • Setting up the lab environment in Visual Studio
  • Practice upload of lab solution

Outcome 1 - Perform basic mathematical calculations relating to 2D and 3D vectors.

This topic covers basic trigonometry and the mathematics of 2D and 3D vectors. The following concepts, skills, and issues are used to support this Outcome:

Outcome 2 - Perform basic mathematical calculations using matrices.

This topic covers the mathematics of matrices and quaternions. The following concepts, skills, and issues are used to support this Outcome: The following concepts, skills, and issues are used to support this Outcome:

Outcome 3 - Perform basic mathematical calculations with respect to Newton’s Laws.

This topic covers Linear Motion, Rotational Motion, Forces, Gravitational Forces, Springs, and Impulse and Momentum.The following concepts, skills, and issues are used to support this Outcome:

  • Calculate velocity, acceleration, and displacement in linear motion
  • Calculate angular velocity, angular acceleration, and centripetal acceleration of a rotating body
  • Calculate the net force on an object with an external force applied
  • Calculate the resulting velocities of objects after a collision has occurred
  • Calculate the force of gravity using the Universal Gravitational Constant
  • Calcualte the properties of a spring using Hooke’s Law

Outcome 4 - Describe the basics of 3D curves and splines in game programming.

This topic covers the basics of curves and splines.The following concepts, skills, and issues are used to support this Outcome:

  • Examine the curve produced using the general expression for a Bézier Curve
  • Examine the spline produced using the general expression for a Catmull-Rom Spline

Student Research/Application Project

This is a required component for PHYS1521 in which you will, individually or as part of a team, complete a research or application project and present your work to the remainder of the class.

