
What is a Feasibility Study?

An ongoing process of tests, that the system request must pass to see whether it is worthwhile to proceed.

  • Is the proposal desirable in an operational sense?
  • Is the proposal technically feasible?
  • Is the proposal economically desirable?
  • Can the proposal be accomplished within an acceptable time frame?

Sets priorities for projects

Operational Feasibility

The proposed system will be used effectively after it is operational.

  • Does management support the project?
  • Will the new system result in a workforce reduction?
  • Will the new system require training for users?
  • Will users be involved in planning the new system?
  • Will the new system place any new demands on users?
  • Will customers experience adverse effects?
  • Will any risk to the company’s image or goodwill result?
  • Does the development schedule conflict with other company priorities?
  • Do legal or ethical issues need to be considered?

Technical Feasibility

This refers to the technical resources needed to develop, purchase, install, or operate the system.

  • Does the company have the necessary resources?
  • Does the company have the needed technical expertise?
  • Does the proposed platform have enough capacity for future needs?
  • Will the hardware and software environment be reliable?
  • Will the combination of hardware and software supply adequate performance?
  • Will the system be able to handle future transaction volume and company growth?

Economic Feasibilty

The projected benefits of the proposed system outweigh the estimated costs.

  • Also need to consider the Total Cost of Ownership which considers more than just creating a system.
  • ROI (Return on Investment)
  • Includes ongoing support and maintenance costs.
  • This is affected by: People, Hardware / equipment, Software, Training, Licenses and fees, Consulting expenses, Facility costs, Cost of NOT developing the project

Schedule Feasibility

This refers to whether a project can be implemented in an acceptable time frame.

  • Has management established a firm timetable for the project?
  • Will an accelerated schedule propose any risks?
  • Will a project manager be appointed?

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