Invoices arrive from various vendors daily. This triggers the following events that take place within the Accounts Payable Department. The information on the invoice is checked against the original purchase order and original packing slip. The purchase order contains the packing slip number from which the original packing slip can be retrieved. Both of these documents are retrieved from separate file folders in the file cabinet in the Purchasing Department. If the information matches, the invoice is then authorized for payment and a cheque issued to the vendor. The Vendor’s account balance is updated with the amount paid on the invoice. The invoice is then stamped “paid” and filed within the Accounts Payable Department.

If the invoice is rejected, it is sent to the Purchasing Department to be reprocessed at a later date. The Accounts Payable clerk is responsible for producing a listing of all invoices paid. This Audit Trail report is then sent to the Finance Managers at the end of every month for reconciliation purposes.

Required: SDLC

  1. Apply the ADEPT Analysis Framework to this case
  2. Draw the CONTEXT LEVEL Data Flow Diagram for this case
  3. Draw the LOGICAL SYSTEM LEVEL Data Flow Diagram for this case
  4. Write the System Level DFD Narratives
  5. Draw the Entity Relationship Diagram

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