Golden Links Member System
At the end of every April, the Golden links Golf club finishes their recruitment drive for new members. Before filing the member application forms, the Recruitment Officer checks the member file to make sure they have not been a member before. Occasionally an old member re-applies, and the old member’s record is simply updated. For most of the new member applications, the Recruitment Officer then creates membership cards to be sent out the new members. When the membership card has been made, the card is mailed to the member and the new Member application is filed.
Once the members have their membership cards, they can participate in the many facilities that Golden Links has to offer. Members can request lessons from the Golf Pro to improve their game. All lessons are given in half hour blocks. The member asks the Shop clerk to book a lesson with the Golf Pro for particular date and start time. The Shop clerk fills out a brief description of what the member wishes to learn or improve. The Shop clerk then checks to make sure that they are a member in good standing. The clerk also checks the Lesson Folder to see if the requested date and time are available. If the requested time is booked, then the Shop clerk offers the next available date and time to the member. The member can accept this date and time or request a new preferred date and time. When everything is agreed to, the Shop clerk files the lesson request in the lesson folder and confirms with the member the agreed Lesson date and time.
Every morning when the Shop Clerk arrives, all the lessons for that day are collected and the member’s name, skill level and lesson description as well as the time and location are used to prepare the current day’s Lesson Schedule. The Lesson Schedule is used by the Golf Pro to find each member and deliver the lesson.
Required: SDLC
- Apply the ADEPT Analysis Framework to this case
- Draw the CONTEXT LEVEL Data Flow Diagram for this case
- Draw the LOGICAL SYSTEM LEVEL Data Flow Diagram for this case
- Write the System Level DFD Narratives
- Draw the Entity Relationship Diagram